Super 9 Shakes Up Salmagundi Club’s 2016 Photography Exhibition

John & Irene Liebler at the Salmagundi Club

My best friend and business partner, Irene Liebler, submitted some of her work to the Salmagundi Club’s 2016 Non-Members’ Photography & Graphics Exhibition in Manhattan and got three pieces into the show (congratulations, Irene!), so it was a great excuse for all of us to go down.

When Sal Khan Gets Really Excited About Triangles

In an effort to support Abigail in her quest to be able to take Calculus BC by the time she’s a senior (she’s taking Geometry and Algebra II this fall as a freshman under special dispensation from the guidance office… I love Tammy Lizotte!), I am taking Sal Khan’s course in geometry with her over … Read more

Dinner Conversation with Rachel & Abigail

Rachel: What kind of flowers are those? Me: Here! Here’s the [wildflower idenfication] guide. Take it out there. Is it Wintercress? Golden Alexanders? Yellow Milkwort? Go look at it! Rachel: My life is hard. ********* Abigail: I’m feeling really poopy… literally… I just pooped a lot. ********* Me: I LOVE GOOGLE CALENDAR! You can just make up … Read more

Driving Cuties

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] We have driven all over New Jersey and Pennsylvania in an effort to overcome the resistance in Rachel’s body to going west. I think we’ve done it. I’ve discovered that while I enjoy being chauffeured, it’s not the most reliable transportation with Zach completely unable to navigate … Read more

This Came Out of My Body?

Sometimes I am in complete disbelief over what my children are doing. How could this possibly have come out of me? I would never in a million years be able to do that or even know where to begin, or even think of doing it! When I hear Rachel say something like, “Oh yeah! The … Read more