More Pointe Shoes

You might say I’m obsessed with this topic, but when you’re driving to the outer reaches of the planet to drop $100 on a pair of pink, satin shoes every three months, you start to get very interested in the process. All Abigail wanted for her birthday this year was for me to take her to Beam & Barre in Greenwich, an hour away, to shop for Russian Pointe shoes. (One thing I learned is that Russian Pointe is a brand, not a kind.) I decided to do it.

I am very grateful to Marissa Behuniak for going down with us to help! She even brought her delightful Jeffrey. As you can see, I had a fun time photographing him as well. Toward the end of our visit, he became very interested with the dressing rooms and learning how to open and close the doors and what it felt like to stand inside of each one by himself.

Our fitter that day was Gretchen, and she was incredibly helpful and patient, pulling out what seemed like 50 pairs of shoes, taking them out of the boxes, and discussing the good and bad characteristics of each shoe for Abigail’s foot.

Between Marissa and Gretchen, I felt very confident that Abigail would leave the best fit for her!

Happy dancing, my little lovely one, and happy 13th birthday.
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